Sun Moon Conjunction

The conjunction of Sun-Moon indicates that Sun in this equation represents father, authority, aggression and soul. Moon represents your mother, sentiments, moods, creativity and emotions. Sun is the indicator of father and Moon is the indicator of mother, when both fire and water come together in any horoscope, they tend to fog your perception or create strong and determined personality based on its placement in the horoscope. The Sun and Moon are the significator of soul and mind, so to obtain success in life it is essential they should be well placed with equal balance between them too. All these characteristics are defined in your horoscope based on the strength of the Sun-Moon Conjunctions.

The Sun is regarded as the king among the nine planets in the cosmos with the utmost power, as the patron of father, authority and anger in you and it represents your soul in the horoscope.

The Moon is allotted the position of queen that represents the mother, emotions, mind, moods, creativity and your emotional strengths that is indicated in the horoscope.

Sun represents fire and Moon represents water, so the combination of these two planets can make a person either very strong or determined in nature but on the other hand, this has the impact of making you blurred in your perceptions with wavering attitude based on the strength and placement of Sun and Moon in your horoscope.

  • In the natural horoscope, Moon is the lord of the 4th house of stability and happiness, and Sun is the lord of the 5th house love and creativity, so it forms a beneficial Raj yoga as it will be the conjunction of centre and triangle especially for Aries ascendant.
  • Moon shares a friendly relation with Sun even though they are miles apart in their characteristics where Sun is fiery, hot and Moon is peaceful, considerate. When this combination occurs in Cancer, Leo and Aries sign in their own house or 10th house the relevant effects always remain positive. It makes you courageous, confident and diplomatic in nature.
  • Moon-Sun conjunction can give you a self-indulgent, arrogant nature that can manifest rude behaviour towards others under influence of malefic planets. On the contrary, the positive impact of this conjunction along with benefic planets can make you a well-versed learner, philosopher, and mentor with a kind nature.
  • The greater the distance between the Sun and Moon in Sun-Moon Conjunction in your horoscope, it can promote success and good reputation to you with positive results.

Effects of a Powerful Sun

When Sun has the dominating role in Sun-Moon conjunction, you will have confidence, a bold personality and the strength to stand against all odds with your head held high. If you have a strong Sun, you will not find justifications/excuses for your faults, as the strong Sun will make your stand proudly even in the worst scenario of events.

You will not be guided by your emotions but will look out for the ways to rectify your fault and simply work over it to prevent it from happening in future. You will not like others to guide you or take decisions for you over any matter and be decisive, and this may bring afore your image as an egoistic person who overrules the sentiments of others.

Effects of a Powerful Moon

When Moon has the dominating role in Sun-Moon conjunction it will make you compassionate towards other feelings despite having well-defined abilities than others. A strong Moon in Sun-Moon conjunction will have the ability to strive for perfection in any venture, but the actions and decisions will be ruled by the heart and mind where you will love to share success with others. The strong Moon has the ability to acknowledge and accept personal and other’s mistakes with compassion to forgive and forget mistakes to move forward.

Positive Sun-Moon Conjunction

Sun represents the right eye, right side of the body and the father or father figure in the family whereas Moon represents the left eye, left side of the body and mother or mother figure in the family. Therefore, it is believed that when this combination is under the influence of benefic planets or well-balanced in your horoscope, it can bless you with good possessions naturally with a good reputation, materialistic happiness, power with kindness towards others with the belief of ‘live and let live’.

Negative Sun-Moon Conjunction

Negative or weak Sun-Moon conjunctions strength will determine your confidence, frankness and independent nature. Moon represents mother so there may be the lack of mother or mother-figure/s in one’s life or she may be a strict disciplinarian with lack of emotion and more about rules and regulations.

The close degree of Moon and Sun in this conjunction indicates that you are easily influenced by others over any matter and are set to follow the path prescribed by others. Sun represents Career and Moon represents mind but combust Moon will make you realize his or her potential in career late in life.

Some Notable Houses Placements For Sun-Moon Conjunction

Sun-Moon Conjunction in the 1st house blesses you with a good personality and charm, where you are liked by others for your skills in your professional life and success. On the other hand, you can be selfish in personal relationships with an impatient nature and have a less cordial relations with your parents as Sun is father and Moon is mother.

Sun-Moon Conjunction in the 2nd house indicates both the parents are of authoritative positions and you aspire for a very high profile in career. Good financial managers with a knack of correctly dealing with others’ financial matters is indicated. You have good relationships with your parents but may have disputes over assets or wealth due to the influence of Mars and Saturn.

Sun-Moon Conjunction in the 3rd house makes you very good in writing, literature, and creativity, ability to express yourself and have the ability to stand up against the odds but for personal reason. This conjunction gives them the boldness of achieving goals in life.

Sun-Moon Conjunction in the 4th house indicates that the placement of Moon is stronger than Sun as Sun tends lose strength and direction in this house so in this combination in the 4th house, you are emotional, and you love to stay at home in your personal ambience where they feel secure.

Sun-Moon Conjunction in the 5th house indicates Moon represents past life deeds and Sun represents the soul so you are inclined towards profession in fields like envoirment, political science and medicine. You focus on your family and children in relationships and gains from others.

Sun-Moon Conjunction in the 6th house causes you to be restless in nature but you love to work for the social welfare along with the administrative work that helps you to maintain stability of mind.

Sun-Moon Conjunction in the 9th house can make you spiritually inclined with its positive placement that will get involved religious activities and will take care and respect your father. On the other hand, this combination can make you more questioning/demanding in nature over personal matters.

Sun-Moon Conjunction in the 10th house indicates that Sun gains directional strength in this house and you is very clear about his/her professional prospects from very early age.

Sun-Moon Conjunction in the 11th house indicates that you have your focus on the overall matters related to children. You are always blessed with the consistency of wealth with less or no efforts throughout life.

Notable Personalities with Sun-Moon Conjunction

  • Chetan Bhagat (Indian Author)

The Author of 5 best-sellers, Chetan Bhagat has a Cancer ascendant with Sun-Moon conjunction in 10th house. Chetan Bhagat is an Indian novelist, columnist, and spokesman, Screen writer television personality and the author of five novels-Five Point Someone, One Night at the Call Center, The 3 Mistakes of My Life, 2 States & Revolution 2020: Love, Corruption, Ambition.

  • Bhupen Hazarika (Indian Playback Singer, Poet and Actor)

He has Gemini ascendant with Sun-Moon conjunction in 3rd house. Bhupen Hazarika was an Indian playback singer lyrist, musician, actor, poet and a famous film maker and politician from Assam well known as- Sudha Kontho.

  • Mandira Bedi (Indian Actress and television Anchor)

She has Gemini ascendant with Sun-Moon conjunction in the 11th house. Mandira Bedi is an Indian actress, fashion designer; she gained admiration through her work in the 1994 television show, Shanti, which was telecast on India's national channel, Doordarshan and is also a television anchor.

  • Meenakshi Seshadri (Indian Actress)

She has Capricorn ascendant with Sun-Moon conjunction in 10th house. Meenakshi Seshadri is a former Indian actress, model and dancer who performed mostly in Hindi films, with a small number of films in Telugu and Tamil films. She made her debut with the film Painter Babu produced by Manoj Kumar. However, it was her second film Hero which catapulted her to instant stardom.


Venus Ketu Conjunction

(Moon Sign Based)

The conjunction of Venus and Ketu indicates that Venus tends to become blinded by illusions caused in love relationships by Ketu. The illusions are so strong that one cannot see the real zest of events till it’s too late to rectify.

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Mercury Venus Conjunction

The conjunction of Venus-Mercury indicates that Mercury is the planet of intelligence and Venus is the planet of beauty and relationships. When Venus and Mercury are in conjunction this conjunction is very auspicious and beneficial as both planets represent traits like art, skills, music and romance with the ability to enhance each other’s lively energy and creativity. The conjunction of these two benefices can give you good earnings, success based on the strength of his/her creativity, intelligence and communication on both personal and professional hemisphere. All these characteristics are defined in your horoscope based on the strength of the Venus-Mercury conjunction.

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